Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pete's Weeknight Pasta

Brian and I have a total of eight brothers and sisters between us, counting their spouses. Spread out between Richmond, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Blacksburg, and New York City, one thing is for certain: when we get together we like to eat and drink (and be merry)! Peter, Brian's stepbrother, and his wife Sara live in Richmond and, like Brian and I, love to cook. Sara approached me about featuring their favorite Weeknight Pasta recipe on Bevy. Our family cookbook has over 150 recipes in it, but this is a new one (I guess I'll have to get started on the 3rd Edition!). I previously shared with you one of our family favorites - Spiked Chili, courtesy of Brian's mother, Sue. With the snow in the mid-Atlantic, now would be the perfect time to enjoy some last-minute chili before spring finally arrives!

For some year-round Italian goodness, though, Pete's Weeknight Pasta will do the trick. Peter conjured up this easy pasta recipe because they were having chicken and broccoli all the time - a yummy, simple meal but one that easily grows tiresome. He and Sara wanted to jazz it up.

From the looks of these ingredients, I have a feeling this might become my go-to weeknight pasta as well! Yum.

To start, sauté the red and black pepper, olive oil, and garlic. Begin heating water for pasta in a large pot. Once that's boiling, cook as directed. Chop up the broccoli and add to pan along with sausage.

Let that sauté for about 10 minutes, or until the sausage is cooked through.

After you've cooked and drained your pasta, put the empty pot back on the stove. Add half of the crushed tomatoes and the jar of vodka sauce to the empty pasta pot. Let it get warm, but not boiling. Add the sausage mixture to the pot and simmer for about 5 minutes. Add the cooked pasta, stir, and enjoy. 

Pete's Weeknight Pasta
  • 2 teaspoons minced garlic
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Crushed red pepper
  • Ground black pepper
  • 1 pound (1 package) Farfalle pasta
  • 3 heads chopped organic broccoli
  • 1 pound hot or sweet ground sausage
  • 1 jar Vodka Sauce
  • 12 ounces crushed tomatoes (28 ounce can pictured above)

1. Begin heating water for pasta.

2. While waiting for the water to boil, in another pan, sauté the red and black pepper, olive oil, and garlic. After about 2 minutes, add the sausage and broccoli. Let that sauté for about 10 minutes, or until the sausage is cooked through.

3. Meanwhile, add the pasta to the boiling water, cook by instructions, then drain.

4. Add half of the crushed tomatoes and the jar of vodka sauce to the empty pasta pot. Let it get warm, but not boiling.  Add the sausage mixture to the sauce pan.

5. Let simmer for about 5 minutes then add the cooked pasta. Stir and enjoy. Sprinkle the parmesean on top for extra goodness!

As for the rest of the crushed tomatoes, save it for leftovers. Sometimes leftover pasta will lack sauce and this will fix that issue.

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