Monday, April 15, 2013

Picnic in Libby Hill Park

As much as I love lazy indoor Sundays complete with coffee, slow breakfasts, puppy cuddles, and a good binge-watching of a Netflix show (Parenthood is my current obsession), sometimes it's nice to plan outdoor activities.

Yesterday, Brian and I got to soak up some serious Vitamin D while sipping wine and nibbling cheese. Sunshine, wine, and cheese - life can't get better than that. After a stop at Trader Joe's the day before, Sunday afternoon rolled around and we loaded up the cooler and grabbed our most comfortable blanket for some fun in Church Hill's Libby Hill Park.

Not pictured: Vouvray and Nutella-dipped strawberries (I had to get rid of the leftover Nutella used for the cinnamon rolls).

Libby Hill Park has great skyline views of Richmond; some of the best. We laid down our blanket in a spot with a direct view down Main Street, and behind us was a statue of an unknown Confederate soldier perched high above a tall marble column. Below us, Main Street would have quickly taken us to Millie's Diner or Poe's Pub. The park has a few benches and a couple fountains, but was relatively quiet on this beautiful Sunday. We just listened to our music (Iron & Wine's new album due out tomorrow, perfect for a calm and relaxing picnic) while enjoying being surrounded by gorgeous tall old houses and historic charm.

 ^ Who doesn't love when a selfie turns out decent? This is decent, right? ^

We walked to the other side of the statue to see Rockett's Landing and a great view of the James River. Fun Fact: it was from this spot where William Byrd looked down at the curve of the James River and was reminded of the River Thames in a royal village west of London called Richmond upon Thames. Since Byrd traveled to Richmond upon Thames several times, it was believed that this view "named the city."

A five-star Sunday.