Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sue's Famous Potato Salad

Searching for the best potato salad recipe for your Memorial Day foodie festivities? Well, search no further. Brian's mom has perfected the potato salad, and now I'm able to share the famous, frequently-requested recipe for you to serve at all your summer picnics and cookouts.

(or for dinner with porkchops)

In my opinion, the secret to a great potato salad is great mayonnaise. I've said it before, but get yourself some Duke's. I'll ship some to you. I mean, if your'e going to be eating potato salad you might as well go big or go home. I could also eat hard-boiled eggs for days, I love them so...and this recipe calls for plenty of 'em.

Potato salads are so easy. Add enough water to a large pot to cover the potatoes, keeping them whole. Add ½ to 1 teaspoon salt to the water and bring to boiling over high heat for about 20-25 minutes. I always scoop one up and poke it with a fork - if it goes through easily, they're done. If you encounter resistance, let them boil for a few more minutes.

Meanwhile, chop 6 hard-boiled eggs and 1 bunch of scallions. The scallions add nice color and crunch to the salad. Mix together 1 cup mayo and ½ cup Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard until it turns light yellow. If you're making a smaller batch, you definitely won't need all that dressing, so you will want the amount you plan to make to be 1 part mayo, ½ part mustard.

Drain the potatoes in a colander and cool them laid on the counter. Make sure they are very cool before handling; there's going to be a lot to slice! Cut them into quarters and add them to a large bowl. Slowly stir the mayo/mustard mixture in with potatoes, eggs, and scallions until well coated. Salt and pepper to taste.

I think it's best after being chilled for an hour or so. Happy Memorial Day!

Sue's Famous Potato Salad

  • 1 bag of small white or red new potatoes (round)
  • 1 bunch of scallions, chopped
  • 6 eggs, hard boiled
  • 1 cup Duke’s Mayonnaise
  • ½ cup Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard 
  • Salt and pepper to taste

1. Boil potatoes in large pot until tender, about 20-25 minutes. Drain and cool. Cut into quarters and add to large bowl.

2. Slice the boiled eggs and add to bowl. Add chopped scallions.

3. Mix mayonnaise and Dijon mustard. The mixture should be light yellow. Slowly stir this mixture in with potatoes, eggs, and scallions until well coated. Salt and pepper to taste.

1 comment:

  1. Sue, Found you via Pinterest. This has become a weekly meal in our house. thanks for the recipe.
