Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My View This Week & My Favorite Pork Chops

Howdy from Maryland! I'm currently in National Harbor, Maryland for work this week. I'm missing the boys at home but I'll see them soon enough. Until then I plan on enjoying the view...

I've had a small but distinct window of down time, and I wanted to still share with y'all while I can. We're going to Rehoboth Beach, DE for a long weekend so I'll likely be quiet for most of next week!

I've been sitting on this recipe for a long time, and I'm not sure why I was depriving y'all of one of the best, easiest way to make pork chops. I truly apologize, because this recipe makes juicy, tender, flavorful chops that will make you crave another.

But no. That would be bad. Have some more salad instead and give your man the third pork chop.

Without further ado, let's get on with this pan-fried deliciousness.

Since I am almost always cooking for two, I go to the butcher or to Trader Joe's to get dos pork chops, which I like to be about an inch and a half thick. I personally like bone-in pork chops better, they just take a little bit longer to cook than the thin boneless ones.

The ones in this picture happened to be pretty thick, but it was all we could find and we were craving them. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

To begin, place about a half a cup of all-purpose flour on an empty plate and season with dry ingredients including Lawry's Seasoned Salt, garlic powder, black pepper, and cayenne pepper for a nice kick. Dredge each side of the pork chops in the flour mixture, then set aside on a plate.

In a nonstick pan, heat 1/2 cup of canola oil over medium-high heat. I also sometimes use olive oil. Then add 2 tablespoons butter to the oil. This gives the pork chops a beautiful (pork chops can be beautiful) golden brown color and some added flavor. When that's melted, blended, and hot, add the pork chops to the pan.

Depending on the thickness and how hot the oil is, you should cook them for 3 or 4 minutes per side and check them by cutting open the middle slightly, like you would when checking chicken.

Serve 'em up with your favorite potato salad and greens. Enjoy!

Pan-Fried Pork Chops

  • 2 pieces pork chops (very thin, bone-in recommended)
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon Lawry's Seasoned Salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper (or to taste)
  • 1/2 cup canola or extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter

1. Salt and pepper both sides of the pork chops.

2. Combine all dry ingredients. Dredge each side of the pork chops in the flour mixture, then set aside on a plate.

3. Heat oil over medium to medium-high heat. Add butter. When butter is melted and butter/oil mixture is hot, add pork chops, no more than three at a time. 

4. Very thin pork chops should cook 2 to 3 minutes on the first side; 1 to 2 minutes on the other side. For anything higher than an inch, cook 3 or 4 minutes per side and make sure no pink juices remain.

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