Friday, July 26, 2013

River City Rafting

I'm not the most outdoorsy person, one could say. Last month for Brian's birthday I got him a pretty unique gift - a rafting trip! Half of the present was me paying for it, and the other half was me physically getting in the raft. I wasn't sure if it was going to happen, but it did and it was worth it! Thankfully we had a great guide in our boat. His completely red, sunburned body was a welcomed sign that he's usually out on the river all day, every day (aka, experienced).

There are a few rafting companies in this city of ours, but we went with River City Rafting and would definitely recommend it! Our river boasts a few class IV and V rapids on a normal day, and we happened to go after a few days of steady rain, so almost every rapid we went over was at least a class III! The river was very high - higher than 10 feet if I remember. We put in at Pony Pasture and a few hours later, we ended up down by Rocketts Landing. I love a good history lesson and it was cool that we were learning fun facts about the city along the way. Did you know the old Braves Indian is sitting atop the Lucky Strike building, facing the water? And during the world wars, Lucky Strike employees would walk boxes of cigarettes down to Rocketts Landing, where boats were waiting to take them out to sailors at sea. Neat stuff.

They even let us stop on patch of rocks for water and delicious Kirkland brand trail mix that almost made Brian and I set up a membership at Costco on the spot.

Below are some pictures of our fun adventure that our friend Mike was kind enough to share. It was a totally unique way to see the river we've spent the better part of our lives loving. Check it out if you have a free weekend soon!

1 comment:

  1. Your article was most helpful. Whitewater rafting can be fun for the whole family.

    raft grand canyon
