Monday, January 6, 2014

Healthy Eating in 2014

2014 is in full swing and most of us have resolved to eat better. My family's motto is "anything in moderation," which means no, Brian and I don't eat the, shall we say, more comforting recipes on Bevy everyday. Rather we spread these out over time, and are more likely to eat smaller, lighter, and healthier meals most days.  But certainly we like to treat ourselves.

That said, here are some of my favorite recipes from 2013 that will help us all shed a little bit of that holiday weight. Enjoy!

  • Berry Banana Smoothie. Start the day off right with a healthy smoothie. This one is delicious and dairy-free, though you can certainly add a dollop of Greek yogurt (I prefer Greek Gods Honey-Flavored Yogurt). I've also been throwing in a handful of kale recently, a superfood that is almost tasteless but packs a bounty of health benefits.
  • Crab Quiche. Want a hearty breakfast that doesn't include bacon, sausage, and isn't drowning in syrup? Try this breakfast quiche with crab meat. Use reduced fat cheeses and ditch the pie crust for a lighter meal, and remember Dr. Oz calls eggs - yolk and all - one of his top ten superfoods.

  • Caprese Salad. A simple Italian classic.
  • Chunky Guacamole. Like kale, avocado is a superfood.  This recipe calls for 2-3 avocados, so, you know, it's pretty super.
  • Crisp Cucumber Salsa. Already deemed one of your top three recipes of 2013, it's a great alternative to standard salsa. Keep this one around for the summer!




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